sitting down to begin writing your memoir is hard work...but i have a secret to share

Stories are also math.

Your life can be broken down into moments...your core memories, turning points...and that moment when you *finally* arrived, or achieved, or finished.

I don't know your story, but I can tell you that there are 15 important moments to focus on.

These moments hold universal, unforgettable, connecting truths.

That's because every story follows universal archetypes.

Storyfish helps you to uncover yours.

Storyfish takes a unique approach to show you which 15 steps to take with your story.

All you need is your imagination, a willingness to try and a wee bit of time....I'll put that at 15 minutes each day, to start. That can get you much further than you think.

Creativity is a deep and wide ocean. Find your next fish with storyfish.

"I couldn't see my story for the fog, but storyfish gave me clarity and inspiration."
~ Summer L, documentary filmmaker

"I got so bored of this project I put it away. But this process unlocked something to it in a new way."
~Kathrine Y, YA novelist

"Just get this."
~ Jaspreet S, graphic novelist

Hi, 🙌 I'm Samantha

Photo of author Samantha Hodder in Antarctica, holding her giant microphone

For more than 20 years I've been creating great media across multiple platforms. My work has been exhibited internationally, broadcast on radio and tv, and published widely. In 2017, I launched my first storytelling podcast, and in 2018, I went to Antarctica as podcaster-in-residence for a month-long journey, which became the next chapter of the story.

Starting was exciting, but finishing seemed impossible.

It took more than four years. Yes, I quit, many times. But I finished. And it's published and beloved by listeners. If I can do it, so can you.

The only was I was able to finish was to follow these 15 steps of storyfish.

Let me help save you years!

Find Your Fish

You're just 15 steps away from your next story

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